Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Things have been great the past week!  I got off bedrest, blood pressure is back to optimal.  I've only gained 5 pounds so far!  We have made a ton of progress on the baby's room... and by we I mean Danny!  The floor is completely sanded, now it just needs to be varnished!  Danny has painted around all the trim, now he just has to do the roller over the main parts.  My mom is working on the baby room bedding.  I'm getting excited!  The baby has moved down... sometimes it feels like he is trying to push himself out! 

We are also cleaning out our house and purging everything we don't use and don't need.  My mom is coming down the first weekend in May and we are having a garage sale.  It is amazing how much crap stuff we have accumulated!

Danny's parents came down last weekend.  We had a good visit.  It was nice to see them without doing stuff all the time!  Just relaxed and enjoyed the company.  Caleb and Lindsey are coming down this weekend so it will be another great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you're off bedrest! One can only take so much lying around watching TV. Love!
